2 and a half month old sleeping too much?

Hello, ladies! 👋🏻

My baby boy is 2 and a half months old (11 weeks 2 days). He usually sleeps throughout the night, sometimes wakes up only once to eat (he’s exclusively formula-fed). That’s normal for him.

But the problem is that a few days ago he started to sleep during the day as well, much more than he usually does. For example, last night he fell asleep around 22:30 (10:30 p.m.), woke up around 3 a.m. to eat, and then fell asleep again, until 7 this morning. He ate again, was awake for half an hour, and fell asleep again. He woke up around 11:30 again to eat, and he was awake for maybe an hour, and fell asleep. He’s still sleeping right now, and it’s 3 p.m.!

He’s breathing fine, he doesn’t have a fever, he’s regularly having wet diapers etc. Could it be just a growth spurt? If he continues sleeping a lot during this weekend, I think I’ll visit the paediatrician. But I guess I just want a little peace of mind from you ladies. I hope some of you have had the same experience with your babies, and could give me your insight.

Thanks in advance!