Tell me I’m not the only one?


But my precious, sweet and loving Ava has been an absolute menace lately. I mean, tantrums for EVERYTHING. I get that it’s all developmental and she gets very frustrated when she can’t communicate how she’s feeling. I get it. But I honestly didn’t expect this behavior until 2? If this is what we are getting now... what the hell does 2 and 3 look like?! When she throws a tantrum out of frustration we are of course empathetic towards her needs and try and comfort her to our best of our abilities (even though sometimes she just cries and cries) but she has taken to throwing her food in frustration and we have already had to put in place a “naughty” step for her to sit in for a minute when she does this. She hasn’t hit, slapped or bitten yet so I’m hopeful this will hopefully pass but I just was wondering if anyone else is dealing with this? It feels like every time we go out and do something fun as a family... it ends in a fit and tears 😩

Here she is after throwing a fit at the park today because we wouldn’t let her run off by herself (lol)

Moments before the meltdown... a happy camper