Starting back TTC

Tropical 🍍 • 🤞🏾|Medical Assistant 👩🏻‍⚕️ | Currently pregnant w/ my first after trying since 2018🫶🏽👾

Hey you guys! How are you? My name is tropical, uhm...I’ve been TTC for about three years now, I finally became pregnant back in may but it ended up as a chemical pregnancy...I officially stopped here we are in November and I’m back trying! I was due to ovulate on my mother birthday last month on the 27...I had sex on the 25th and the 27th..a couple off hours later after I had sex on the 27 I started having sharp pains on my right side ovary so...let’s hope! I’m in the two week wait now and I have 7 days until my period is due to start again...Let’s cross our fingers and I’m spreading baby dust to all! P.S I’m trying to make a actual TTC group on maybe the GroupMe app or iMessage?