I need help!!! - Milestones and Sleep


My baby will be 10 weeks old Thursday, but only 3 weeks 4 days adjusted because he was premature. He’s met almost all of his physical milestones, but has not yet reached some of the social/communication ones. He’s only smiled once socially (otherwise it’s just when he’s sleeping or gassy) and he doesn’t get excited when he sees the bottle/when we walk in the room. I know he’s likely to meet his milestones later because of prematurity and his doctor said at his two month appointment last week that he’s very pleased with where he’s at developmentally. I’m just wondering if anyone has any experiences with this and when your baby started meeting the social milestones. We’re so ready for him to start smiling!! He does focus on us extremely well, follows our faces, and calms down when I talk or sing to him.

Sleeping is also a huge difficulty. It’s not the duration of sleep, I can deal with that. But he refuses to sleep on his own. He squirms and grunts until he finally gets upset and will start crying. I’ve been staying up all night so I can let him sleep on me and he’s not at risk for SIDS and then I get a short nap when my husband gets home from work. He doesn’t sleep on his own during the day either. He has reflux and is mildly colicky so it’s almost like he needs the movement to be comfortable. It might be better if he could sleep on his belly but I know he’s supposed to sleep on his back. Everyone told me early on “just hold him, especially because he’s a preemie the touch is good for him” but I can’t set him down to do anything really (awake or asleep) because he’ll fuss. I can’t help but feel like I’m perpetuating a problem now that he’s a little older. I need help!!