I’ll try to explain this as best I can, so bare with me. I had a miscarriage in October 11th. The doctor said there was not a sac or anything at all and my HGC was 38. She told me I didn’t have to get a D&C since I had passed everything on my own. She also told me to not wait to conceive again and to keep trying once the bleeding and pain stopped. I went to 2 follow up appointments, the first one was a week after the miscarriage and my hgc level was 48. The 2nd appointment my hgc was 38, it was last week and they did another ultrasound to make sure no remains stayed inside of me since my hgc levels were not dropping the way they are suppose to. I want to try and conceive again but it’s confusing, I still have some hgc in my body so pregnancy test are still showing positive and so are the OPKs. Has any one experienced anything similar? Or has anyone gotten pregnancy under a similar situation?