My story:

Gina • 🥰✌️

Hey guys I’m Gina. I can’t believe this is actually a group on here! I’m 14 years old and my dad has been married four times. I was his first child and I was born to his second wife. She was mentally unstable and was an alcoholic and actually ended up going to jail for some stuff. My dad remarried and had my two half sisters and brother with his new wife. He was married to this woman for seven years and behind his back, she was abusive to me because I wasn’t her real kid. She would pick me up by the hair and throw me across the room in the morning when she would “do my hair” she would hit me and slap me and do the worst things imaginable. And all this time I thought it was normal.

There was once a time when my dad went on a business trip. She was in charge of me and was making me clean the playroom. I’m going to say I was probably in first grade at the time but I still get PTSD about this day. I remember the play room was completely clean except for one skinny red book about a dog. I picked it up but for some reason put it on the “wrong bookshelf” The weird thing was is that we didn’t even organize the books on the shelf though..... anyway she instructed me to walk over to her and scared a little Gina did. Then she hit me on the head.  hard. Her wedding ring cut my head. My head blood for an hour and her trying to cover up what she did took me into the bathroom for a bath. I still remember that dark red color of the bathtub. Our hands were stained with blood but I couldn’t tell my dad. When I did she played dumb and acted confused.

One day my dad walked in on her picking me up by the hair and practically chucking  me. He was furious and we slept in a hotel that night because he couldn’t even look at her. I accidentally told my teachers once about what was going on at home and they notified my counselors. Six months later my dad took her to court and won-while they were still married. Even after they got divorced I still had to live with this woman while my dad figure himself out. I lived with her for 2 1/2 whole yearsBefore my dad let me move in with him. He got married two weeks ago, however his new wife doesn’t believe I actually have a PSTD,  depression & DPDR Which are all things I’ve been diagnosed with by a doctor. So yeah that’s kind of how it ended up over here. I’ve been living with my dad going pretty well minus our conflict with his new wife but other than that I’m pretty good. Anyway thank you for reading appreciate your story. You were all loved and appreciated and there’s a reason why you are here💕💕