Egg retrieval results- UPDATE #2 - UPDATE #1



I had PGS testing on the 3 embryos and 2 of the 3 came back normal! 1 girl and 1 boy. FET should be sometime in Feb.



*** 3 embryos made it to freeze, 3 arrested and 1 embryo is still growing, I'll find out tomorrow on day 7 if it made it.🤞🤞

I had 15 eggs retrieved yesterdag and found out only 7 fertilized! How can this be, that's less than 50%! My last ER I had 15 and 14 fertilized but only 1 made it to day 6. Neither my husband or I have fertility problems. I just don't understand our outcome. Now we have to wait for genetic testing. What are the odds of the 7 making it to day 5 and being "normal"?

Any stories/thoughts would be appreciated.