You believe in guardian angels?


I'm a sane, logical woman. I'm not really religious or firm in any belief. But I have to share a few experiences with someone.

We had our first miscarriage back in March. We were absolutely shattered. The night we got the news I cried myself to sleep, but felt a comforting presence next to my bed. I just shrugged it off as wishful thinking and got on with my life, never mentioning it to my husband. We would experience two chemical pregnancies after that so it's been a rough year. But in August we got our rainbow!

Around the 12 week mark, I'm lying in bed one night getting ready to sleep. Suddenly, It felt like someone took a finger and just poked my belly hard! My husband was asleep on the other side so it wasn't him. Scared me so much I hollered out (almost screamed). Figured I just moved wrong in bed, felt foolish for yelling and went to sleep.

Then yesterday, we got to see our little man's face on ultrasound you see the same shadow I see in the background?

The logical part of me says I'm just looking for signs and connecting random events to see something that isn't there.

But my child like heart wants to believe our son has a guardian angel in the child we lost.