I’m so exhausted 😩

Cassandra • Mama of four 🌸

My son was a awesome sleeper ( slept anywhere from 5-8 hour stretches a night) up until recently .. we stopped swaddling because he started to roll now and idk if that’s part of the problem but he literally is up every hour or two wanting to nurse but mid way falls asleep again? I’m dying! A part of me feels like maybe he isn’t getting enough but he does awesome during the day anywhere from 3-4 hour stretches so why is he up so much at night? It just feels like he wants to nurse for comfort .. and well we struggled a couple days when we stopped swaddling but now that I try to reswaddle him he hates it?! I’m waiting to get on my IUD next week and contemplating just weening him off my breast .. that way I know how much he’s eating and what he needs to have a nice night of sleep .. this habit is gonna be the end of me if I don’t break it now .. any one else going threw this or similar to this? With my other two I NEVER ONCE HAD THIS HAPPEN .