Sleep/feeding question

I read a post earlier that says they do a eat play sleep schedule am I doing it wrong? My little guys wakes up and sometimes isn’t hungry so we do a play, eat, sleep. Should i be avoiding eat and sleep together?

This mom stuff is tough

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We don't follow a schedule! If she wakes up wanting to play we do that! Otherwise she ends up being lazy on the boob anyway ! We just try to feed regularly (no more than three hours) because I little one was prem she needs the extra support. And I have a bed/bath routine at the same time everyday which is similar to the safe our sleep routine but we don't do it as ridgid as it suggests which we have felt helps get her sleep. The three hour thing is just something some people do not a set rule! (It's actually something that has just been taught for many years and part of a sleep training routine. There's lots of people who don't believe in sleep training or strict routines) You will never do being a 'mom' wrong as long as you love and care for your little one however you choose to do! There are so many ways to do it and everyone will have an opinion but trust me You totally got this ! ♥️♥️♥️♥️


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Try to break up the eat and sleep. It could be just a diaper change or read a book. They say to break it up that way baby doesnt end up using you as a crutch to fall asleep.


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It is tough! Im loosely following a schedule from the book (save our sleep) but not feeding part. I feed when he’s hungry ( which is always this week due to cluster feeding)


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I don’t do eat play sleep. If I do eat play sleep my baby will puke puke puke lmaoooo. We usually feed and then nap and then play. Sometimes she stays up after feeding and if it’s been an hour or more I could play with her but it’s just not usually how it works out.


Posted at
We do eat play sleep on a schedule. However if he needs to eat more for whatever reason, I accommodate. If that is the routine that you are wanting to stick with, then you need to break up the eat and sleep so breast feeding doesn’t become something your LO needs to sleep. My LO is breast fed and I have him on a 2.5 hour rotation during the day. We have gotten on such a routine that he wakes up exactly when it’s time to eat..and he is ready to eat. Maybe adjusting the time rotation could help.