Anybody else testing daily?

Ashley • Rainbow Baby Girl 🌸 Due July 16, 2020🌈 4/23/19👼

I’ve been taking HPT daily to make sure my hcg is going up and my line is getting darker. According to the app I’m 4+3 weeks currently. Line is definitely getting darker but I’m so paranoid that I can’t stop testing daily. It’s hard to believe I’m finally pregnant with my rainbow and I’m trying so hard to enjoy it and not worry but this anxiety is killing me! I have my first appt on Tuesday and I’m worried that I’m gonna freak out bc I know ultrasound won’t show much this early. What should I expect to see at my appt? Will they at least be able to see fetal pole?

Any suggestions on calming this anxiety? Sometimes I literally feel like I can’t breathe thinking about the possibility of losing this baby too. Please help!