First look on ultrasound today of our precious πŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Ashley β€’ Rainbow Baby Girl 🌸 Due July 16, 2020🌈 4/23/19πŸ‘Ό

First prenatal appt today- I was so nervous bc of my history of loss, but everything turned out great! Super early, confirmed to be 5 weeks, but there is a clear gestational sac and the tiny little pinpoint in the middle is our precious baby 🌈

Doctor said she’s happy with how everything looks, very round which means healthy, and we will go back in one week to check progress.

When we went in to get checked with my last pregnancy ( in April) for my 6/7 week ultrasound was when we found out the baby did not have a heartbeat and stopped developing. So I’m really nervous for my next appointment but I have faith that everything is going to be okay. I think this little bean is gonna stick! Please send prayers and good thoughts for my scan next week! Trying my best not to be overcome with anxiety and just enjoy being blessed with this pregnancy πŸ™πŸΌ

Thank you to all the women who have been supportive on here- it means more than you know πŸ’œ