Venting - anyone else feels like that?

Hi all,

Just venting here and I would like to know if you feel like that as well...

I had 3 mmc all ending early. Horrible histories as 1st was a missed miscarriage and I did not know until the 12th week.

Now I found out I am pregnant really early. Went for a scan 5w2d and saw gestacional sac, yolk sac and feral pole.

I wanted to get progesterone but they said they just can give when they get a heartbeat. I am booked in 2 weeks and every day I freak out. Every time going to the toilet I am looking to see if all ok... every time wait for morning sickness (I barely have) I did not have with my son as well... just aversion to some food at night. I just want to feel sickness to make sure all is ok. I know it’s crazy and some people hate it but I just want reassurance. I think I just need to relax and try to rest but it’s so hard! Pray for me and my wee baby to get a strong heartbeat and a health pregnancy, I trust in God and I believe everything will be good. 🙏🏼 thanks