Pediatrician 🙄


My son ended up getting an eye infection a little over a month ago and I called his pediatrician to see what to do. Well they told me they would call me back and NEVER DID! So I ended up taking him to instant care by my house and got eye ointment. He ended up getting an allergic reaction to the ointment so I call the pediatrician again and they wouldn’t tell me anything besides to make an appointment so I did. Went to the appointment and all they told me is to stop using the ointment (which I already had.) and to make another appointment if the infection comes back. So the month goes by and the bill me over 100 dollars for this visit that was no help at all! I called to see why I was billed so much and they couldn’t tell me anything besides that it’s from my deductible. It took them over 20 minutes to figure that out. Is your guys pediatricians the same way or does mine suck and I need to switch?