Rough day and now placenta previa? UPDATE

anony mouse

My van was run into today when a lady ran a red light. I ended up going to the ER due to hitting my head and peace of mind for the little one. While I was there I was told that my placenta is low lying and that I should be on pelvic rest but everything else was fine. This is news to me because I just had my anatomy scan Monday and an appointment earlier today where I was told everything was fine. I was leaving my midwife when I got in the accident. The doctor at the hospital said it's an inch away from my cervix at this point and should only move up. Is this possibly why my midwife didn't seem concerned about my placenta? Obviously, I'm going to call my midwife tomorrow and make sure the placenta didn't detach and move but isn't that something they should've been able to see at the hospital? Infeel like I should have some bleeding or some sign if the placenta detached. Ugh, my head hurts and I just don't need any added stress rn. It's really been a rough day.


Just googled what is considered normal (usually I just trust my provider). 20mm or 2cm is normal and the midwife at the hospital said mine was 2-2.5 cm away. Which is normal! The nurse even came in after and said it's like an inch away and kinda dismissed what the midwife had said. I guess I should've taken that as a clue that I was being misled. I'm just disgusted they would try to instill fear in me over absolutely nothing. Especially because it's only going to move up as my uterus expands. This is why I do homebirths and don't trust hospitals.