
Went in for my ultrasound today at 8w2d and there is no heartbeat. I went to another clinic to get a 2nd opinion and there was also no heartbeat. I'm waiting to go back to the <a href="">IVF</a> clinic next Friday to confirm.

I did a ton of reading on here and Google and everything points to a missed miscarriage/abortion. Not one story said that it was a fluke and they were able to find the heartbeat again.

I saw the heartbeat at 6w2days 2 weeks ago. So it doesnt look good to not be able to detect it again. And by TWO different clinics nonetheless. Also baby measuring 9mm which is also a bad sign. Sigh

I did <a href="">IVF</a> and only got one wmegg which I put back.

All the best to you guys.