My baby is here!


Thursday night I came into L&D to be checked after having pains about 4 mins apart. I got checked the previous day was at a 5 so knew it could be any day! They check me and I am 6 and about 80% thinned so they monitored me and let me sit on the ball for a while. I progressed to 7 so they let me stay! I informed them I wanted an epidural so they called the on call up to get me going! I wasn’t in excruciating pain yet but knew things could happen possibly fast and I didn’t want to risk not being able to get one. Well, that didn’t matter anyways because even though I had some relief from it at failed THREE TIMES! I was stuck at a 7 for a while...finally got to an 8. Right after she checked me I started to hurt so much worse and had lots of pressure. I went from 8-10 in minutes. So I am screaming for my nurse to hurry bc it was happening, meanwhile trying not to poop myself. My dr runs over from the clinic and gets here within like 3 minutes and it’s time. Ladies, that pain is no joke. I was screaming and crying and saying how I couldn’t do it. My doctor was amazing and just looked at me ‘it’s okay, you don’t have to right now. It’ll be okay’. Once I started pushing she was here within 5-6 minutes at 10:46AM! The cord was wrapped around her neck once, but her HR never decreased. She was shocked after being born so quickly so needed a little bit of stimulation to really get with it. I start feeling crappy and realize it is because I was bleeding too much. My doctor said it was the amount a c section loses. I felt horrible because I couldn’t even raise my arms to hold my baby on my boob. I’m lucky I have a supportive group that helped. Fast forward to this morning, they do my labs and my hemoglobin was at a 6. Suppose to range from 11-16 so I didn’t get to go home, I got a pint of blood instead!

It has been traumatic. Why the epidural wouldn’t work is beyond me. But I said I will never have another after that experience! 😂

Miss Keatyn Louise everyone💕

7 pounds 6 ounces, 20.5 inches long!