2 week preiod TMI

This is something that is not normal for me. Before my pelvic exam I did have some spotting which is normal before my period so I was sure my period was going to start then I had my pelvic exams a few days later and starting heavy spotting. So I’m like ok I started my period. I had that heavy spotting for a while and it didn’t turn into a light or heavy flow it was just heavy spotting and what I mean by that is I did not have to wear a pad just a panty liner and nothing even got on the liner but when I would use the restroom and wipe I would have a lot of red blood along with egg white like discharge and it remained that way up until yesterday. Yesterday marked 14 days TWO WEEKS of constant heavy spotting. Except yesterday the spotting was the first pic below. & today I woke up and was sure I was done until after church my spotting is the second picture below. Should I be concerned ?