Should i call nurse line?

Leandra • Mommy to two. Happily Married. 20 years old. Tennessee.❤❤

Ever since last night my lower back on the right side has been hurting and it still is hurting. Kinda feels like pressure. I couldnt get comfy from how bad it was and sleep that good. I took a Tylenol but didnt really help any. Night before my lower stomach cramped and tightened up really bad for a min or two that I couldn't move. Now this. Hes still moving and being active but it still makes me worry. Hubby been trying to get me to the hospital last night but i didnt wanna go from where it was 3:30-4 last night it was too late. This is my second baby. Should I call the nurse line? Is this normal? Could it be where hes low? Im 28 weeks today just now hit the third trimester. Thanks!

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