Green slimy poop

My little boy is fighthing eczema for last 2 months. He is over 5 months old. formula feed baby. GP prescribed hypoallergenic formula Similac Allimentum just to see if my boy doesnt have a milk allergy and if the eczema is gonna stop flares up. He used to have a normal mustard color poop like a peanut butter. His eczema us going down probably thanks to hydrocortisone we are using. We are using the hypoallergenic formula for about 2 weeks now. Since then he started to have army green poop like a bit runny, very slimy and it smells very badly. His pee started to smell badly too🙊🤢Does it look like diarrhoea or mucus in it? Sorry for the pic😷😬 Btw on the pic it looks brown but its actually army green color. He doesnt have a fever. I dont feed him any solids just the hypoallergenic formula .Is it normal or should I be concerned?