Need some advice

So my boyfriend and I went from hanging out every other day to once a week and he never asks me if i wanna hangout or come over, it’s always me doing all the planning. Another thing is that when i tell him about how much fun I had that day he would try to one up it or just completely ruin my mood with a terrible response. Sometimes he just doesn’t say anything and ignores everything I say. For example, I told him about how my friends and I were driving around, getting food, and blasting music then went to this place we used to hangout as kids and made a bonfire but he said it sounded like a woods party and those are always super lame and boring.... I make sure i’m not clingy at all because I really don’t like clingy so i don’t know what i’m doing wrong. He also gets super jealous if i snap one of my guy friends and expects me to only talk to girls but I tell him all the time that i just don’t get along with girls and he continues to get super mad at me. I even make sure i don’t hangout with just guys alone and have my 2 close girlfriends with me. I’m not sure if i should try and fix this or just end it.