
so basically

i started liking this boy and he goes to the school that’s round the corner from my house and i go to one about 15 mins from my house . so i started speakinf with him and after a whole he was telling me he loved me and calling me baby and eveything . then he goes out with this girl from my school on a massive fuck off sesh in a field and got off w her 3 times bc she told me they did (twice). he then messaged me and told me he’d spoke with a friend , yes a FRIEND ! and decided things weren’t going to work out for us . it’s right shit that the girl used to be my best mate and she keeps teeling me everything they’ve done . not only this she keeps leaning on me for advice and when she’s down she messages me and has a rant at me. i’m still being nice even tho she’s been so vile about things towards me saying he’s never gonna like me and shit and clearly she was right . at least it’s made me realise my worth and i know what i want now i ain’t standing for shit off anyone or being treated how he did with me : using me and playing me off against her. just going be me and be 100% truthful with everyone . can’t wait for the new year and a new hairstyle 😙x

new year new me xo