Due July,23,2020 !! 💞 have my second beta tomorrow I’m so nervous.

Bailey • Ava Madeline🧸 07/23/2020🌈 IVF baby

My first beta 9days past 5 day embryo transfer 145 my doctor said that was excellent! I’m finally going back to do blood work tomorrow so 4 days from my first beta so I should be around 580. I’m praying so hard guys. 🤞🏼 she’s my rainbow 🌈

I’m trying to be positive but imso scared! She was a genetically normal embryo so they generally have way higher success rates but I just can’t wrap my head about having that high of a beta my first pregnancy not from <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> ended in miscarriage and highest my levels got were 150 on the 3rd beta so my levels were super low. So to be at 145 for my first beta i was so surprised.

Please say a prayer for Madeline !!