Baby Cravings (wanting to have a baby after miscarriage)


I'm being patient waiting for my life to hopefully get better. Before I even try to have a kid again. A little background to the story in 2016 I got pregnant never confirmed and ended up up having a miscarriage 2 days before 5 weeks when it would have showed up on the pregnancy test. The miscarriage and pregnancy were never confirmed but I did have to have a dnc to get the pieces removed which I found out recently was put down as endometriosis. Anyways every time that I ovulate and and about to get my period I get there really bad "baby cravings" like wanting to have a baby. Has this happened to anyone else? It's been years and I still get them and they seem to get stronger each time with very real vivid dreams. I'm trying to hold off and wait until my life is in order. I'm 28 btw. And I'm on estrogen cream for my pelvic disorder which is so making this even worse.