2 days till my due date!

Maureen • Separated Momma of 3 Boys Roman 2019 & Ross 2021 & Ryan 2023

Since Friday ive been nauseous (throwing up any solid foods I eat) and ive had the worst case of diarrhea ever. I didnt have it prior. I was practically constipated my whole preganncy. These 2 things kicked into full force about 2 hours after a membrane sweep (first one) I am literally so miserable and I'm only just now getting some low back pains, feeling sore. I am not sick cause I dont have a fever or anything else. I am 100% sure this is from the membrane sweep. I just really wanna get the show on the road. I am miserable. I cant eat anything & I'm starving.. Its been 3 days of this. Any advice? I wanna ask my doctor to induce me on my due date or by this weekend but Idk if they will. They are talking about waiting till black Friday (I would be 9 days past my due date)