Different pregnancies = different genders?

I had a baby boy last summer. I'm 7 weeks today with my second. So far this pregnancy has been completely different than my sons. With him I was always nauseous and throwing up, craved and basically only ate burgers nonstop, and had all physical symptoms. I really didn't have any crazy emotions or hormonal swings or anything of the sort.

With this pregnancy it's been the opposite. I'm crazy hormonal and my emotions are all over the place! And I haven't been sick or had any physical pregnancy symptoms at all except a little bloat. And the thought of burgers makes me sick. Now all I want are sweets and deli sandwiches. 🤔

I want a girl SOOO bad!!! So I'm wondering who's had opposite kinds of pregnancies with the same gender as a previous baby or different gender as a previous baby, OR the same kind of pregnancy but with a different gender than a previous baby.

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