Back to work full time


After maternity leave I worked full time for a couple months and had MIL watch the baby. We had some issues with her and decided I would only work 2 days so we wouldn't need a sitter the rest of the time. It's been about 6 months now and my husband has a better job but the insurance is more expensive, so I'm going back to full time status so I can take over the insurance instead. So that means we have to have someone watch the baby (Hes now 11 months old)

We wanted to give MIL a second chance at watching LO since he's a little older and slightly more independent now with walking, playing, eating, etc. It's only been 2 days and she's doing the same exact things we had problems with the first time around. Showing up late and lying to my husband that I told her to show up at the wrong time. She refuses to let him cry in the crib for more than 30 seconds, so the first day he never even took a nap because she immediately pulled him back out of the crib. She's so short that when she tried to lay him in the crib when he finally was asleep, she just kind of lets him go an inch above the matress and he wakes up crying, she blamed the matress for being too hard and uncomfortable.

She went through our things to find the diaper cream we hid, we originally hid it because she unnecessarily applies the cream. She puts it on over freshly wiped skin that's still wet causing him to chafe. I have never needed the diaper cream unless it was after she watched him. I should just throw it away.

She tries to feed him food we have told her we are avoiding/limiting because of possible allergies or a sensitivity (tomato) and she moved my dogs water bowl off the kitchen floor because "don't you know that babies can drown in less than an inch of water?" Then how about you get your ass off my couch and actually watch my son. He shouldnt be around the kitchen anyways, and now my dogs can't get their water.

Also she keeps the dogs out in the backyard all day after we told her not to for the next week or so because we just put down manure in the lawn for winter grass and the dogs love eating and rolling in it, and I've been standing outside watching the dogs while they do their business and wipe their paws before coming in. She hasn't been wiping paws so now there's manure tracked all in the kitchen and the carpet so she's complaining how dirty the house is.

She went and started the dishwasher during the middle of the day (during peak hours when it's more expensive to use electricity) with 2 cups and 3 plates inside, that definitely could've been hand washed if they were bugging her that much, or just leave my sink alone! She doesnt clean to help me out, she does it so she can gossip later about how I don't do anything, how I'm a bad mom that lets my child cry in his crib, I don't give him enough milk because I don't use bottles (I breastfeed when I'm home but husband uses formula when I'm at work) and how she's such a saint for doing my housework for me.

I don't think I can handle the stress of having her watch my son ever again. It's just too much drama with her.