MIL needs therapy and I’m DONE

My MIL is seriously in need of counseling, therapy, medication, something. She is a terrible woman with a black heart. She had 7 kids (4 biological and 3 adopted), yet she doesn’t even know how to love. She’s manipulative and fake. She has like 3,000 + friends on Facebook because she pretends to be this gift from God who is Christian and adopted 3 special needs children because God told her to. Yeah right! Meanwhile she used to beat the fuck outta her bio children and mentally abuse them. She is similar to Gypsy Rose Blanchards mother in the way she begs for favors off of people. She doesn’t work and expects everything to be taken care of by other people, including her bio kids who want nothing to do with her.

I hate being around her, I hate having my children around her and even my husband has to have alcohol in his system to talk to her. I really wish she was gone forever. There’s nothing good about her at all. She’s the devil.