Any ideas?

My vagina hurts when I wipe, when I sit, even putting pants in the contact with my groin area hurts! I’m 11 weeks pregnant so I called the Ob and got in. She thought maybe yeast as she saw some discharge and said it looked irritated down there. It is itchy way up top by my clitorus and I feel like air bubbles are constantly coming out..

all my labs came back normal! My PH is 6.0, negative for yeast infection and I just had all STD tests done and those are all negative. I’m at a complete loss. It’s so annoying! I can’t sleep good because it’s so uncomfortable and weird feeling. The doc put me on an antibiotic for a yeast infection and said it if doesn’t get better to come back. Has anyone experienced anything like this!? Any ideas are appreciated. Last night I had to take benedryl to make myself sleep through some of the night and only slept 2 hours :/