Exclusive breastfeeding mommas!


Anyone introduce a bottle around 3 weeks? My husband's birthday is Thursday and we want to go out to dinner for an hour or two. The last week or so baby boy has been eating every hour and sometimes more frequently so I want to make sure there is milk here for him but not sure how he will take to the bottle. He was having issues latching but I think we finally got it figured out for the most part. He tries to curl his lips in instead of having them out so I have to physically move them plus I have large nipples and he wants to barely open his mouth. But like i said the last day or two it has gotten so much better! But now I'm worried about giving a bottle i dont want it to cause more issues. I was planning to introduce the bottle early bc my 2yo refused to take a bottle ever. I tried at 6 weeks and she didnt go for it so I didnt try again until she was like 6 months old and she flat wouldnt take it. She would starve herself for hours and it was so hard. I definitely dont want to go through that again. Anyways how did your baby do going from breast to bottle and back?