I didnt think I deserved better...pls know your worth ladies!!


Over a year ago, I was with a boy that would make me pump his gas in the cold, a boy that would make me go out in the cold to crank his car so it would be warm for him when it was time for us to leave, a boy that thought it was okay to hit me and bite me and bruise me if I made him mad, I was with a boy that went on to rape me and rolled over and went to sleep while I laid there and cried all night, I was with a BOY that didnt value me, therefore, I didnt value myself.

Now, I'm with a MAN that pumps my gas, im with a man that tells me and shows me every single day how much he appreciates me, a man that never raises his voice at me ever and would never hit me, who is so patient with me and tries to understand me, one that would sacrifice eating at a restaurant if he only has enough money to pay for my food (I always pay for mine when I notice so he can eat also), I'm with a man that isnt ashamed of me and treats me the exact same in front of his friends, I'm with a MAN that makes me feel beautiful again and has shown me my worth as a woman.

(The left side is me asking my ex if he could sleep with his volume turned up in case I needed to call him bc I was going through a hard time... the right is my boyfriend now.. I didnt even know that this love existed... now I know that I am worth it and I am beautiful, and YOU ARE TOO!)