What does an infant wear to a funeral? And how to buckle up in a dress??

Samantha • 👧🏻🤰❤

We have a funeral tomorrow and my baby girl is 3mos. What does she wear? Going shopping for her today.

Also with poofy dresses, how do you buckle them in their carseat? Is it the same concern as with a poofy coat??

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I would say as in infant she can wear anything. At 6months + maybe not but around 3 months a sleeper is fine


Posted at
I wouldn’t be too concerned what to put on her, but if you want something special then that is fine. You might plan something she can wear a simple white onesie under and let her travel in the onesie and pair of pants. Then you can easily slip off the pants and dress on 👍🏼 plus you are half way to a comfy outfit when you are ready to relax!


Posted at
When my father in law passed away in September my little guy just wore a sleeper but he was a month old and he slept the whole time. Also I would say yes same concern with a puffy dress as a jacket, but depends on how puffy. Do a test run before put her in the dress and Buckle her in see what It looks like to check safety.