Handling the holiday


We live about 3.5 hours from family! We have planned on doing thanksgiving back in there city and Christmas at our home. We found out yesterday we’re expecting, after a year of trying and a 14 week loss.

Everyone knows we’ve been trying and they also know i enjoy beer and wine. I’m so anxious that with me not partaking they will figure it out and possibly call my bluff.

I’m only 5w6d and haven’t even heard back from my doctor about an appointment.

I don’t want them guessing or assuming anything about being pregnant but i am also tempted to not even make the trip for thanksgiving because I’m so nervous about telling them to soon.

I don’t know what to do or how to approach it, i honestly lost faith in waiting until the 12th week to share because we did that last time and lost the baby at 14 weeks. So part of me feels family should know but it’s so so early!!
