Measuring 2 weeks ahead?

So today I asked my midwife if she could give me an estimate of weight along with his height. She told me he is about 5.5-6 lbs (I’m 34 weeks 1 day). She said that that’s about 2 weeks ahead of what they have been tells me but they wouldn’t be changing my due date because there’s always a chance he could still be born around the due date. She also said that if he has average growth between now and the due date he could be up to 9lbs 😵😵

Has anyone else been told that they were measuring further along than their due date and still didn’t have their baby until the due date?

This entire time Ive been assuming I wouldn’t have a baby any bigger than 8lbs if even that. I was 7 lbs 1 oz, my husband was 7 and 8 and our sibling were all around the 7lb range too! I was just hoping it would be hereditary 😂😂