Contractions 34 + 6

Caitlyn • Momma to 1 beautiful baby girl 🥰

So I started having mild contractions last night around 6-7 ate dinner, laid down to try and rest but couldn’t sleep. Packed the baby’s bag, my husbands and mine just in case. My contractions were mild and not consistent so I decided to “sleep it off” but didn’t actually fall asleep until about 1 a.m. but was up and down a lot of the night.

At 5:30 a.m I woke my husband up for work and was still having them. Called my midwife at 8:45 a.m who told me to go to labor and delivery to be monitored. They hooked me up and I was definitely having contractions. Ranging from 40-90 but still spontaneous. They checked me and she said my cervix was still high and that I wasn’t dilated. They gave me .25 terbutaline to try and stop them; didn’t work. Gave me another .25 about an hour or so later. Still didn’t work, gave me some IV fluids, checked me again. Still no change so they sent me home at about 3 until they started getting closer together, more painful, and/or my water broke.

So here I am now and they’re definitely stronger & more frequent. I’m currently in the bathtub; not helping. And I feel like there’s a bowling ball down there causing a lot of pressure.

Has anyone had this happen? Is this the start of labor??