Sleeping progress! Kinda.


You guys, I had to post because I know you will understand. My girl has been an amazing sleeping since about 2 months, was easy to swaddle, transitioned from a swaddle to arms out easily and slept through the night no problem. Until the 9 month mark. She will go to sleep in her crib but anywhere between 12-4am she wakes up screaming and stands agains the rails until one of us goes in to comfort her. We usually end up bring her into bed with us because we are just so tired. Well last night I had enough. 2am, the screaming commenced. So from 2-4am, after a diaper change, I continued to lay her down in her crib and comfort her...finally, FINALLY, a little after 4, she fell asleep on her own! I feel like I accomplished a huge goal, even though I am still exhausted. Lol