Night time feeding HELP!!!


My baby boy is 1 month old and every night is Diffrent with his sleep , one night is up every 4 hours another night is up every 2-3 hours . Is there any suggestions to help with keeping him done longer? He sometimes can take a 4oz bottle and still wake up 2 hours later and he hungry!

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My sweet boy as well. I find that when I feed him every 2 hours before bed like at 4/6/8 then he will stay asleep for 4-5 hours for the first stretch and then 3 hours and then 2 hours. It feels like if I really fill his belly right before bed he will stay asleep longer at first. Also, before feeding him we try to wait 3 minutes when he starts fussing at night then put a hand on him, give him his bink, then light rocking and then finally feed him if he hasn’t put himself back to sleep. It works sometimes for him to go back to sleep without a feed. My husband sleeps right next to the bassinet and can do that from bed.


Rosi • Nov 22, 2019
I am not taking cara babies but I am glad that this is recommended by a program as well. A friend who has two little ones told me this strategy.


Cori • Nov 22, 2019
Taking cara babies?? We do the same!


Posted at
I’d love to know, too!


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Following! My LO is the exact same way


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I wish my daughter would sleep that long at night. Tonight the longest she slept was 1 hour 😩 I’m exhausted!


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Glad i'm not the only one!!! it's driving me a little crazy. Esp considering my first baby was pretty much sleeping through the night at this stage with 5-6 hr stretches


Posted at
Going to try this 2 hour early evening tactic!!