One multiple left

My husband and I were trying for a while and after 4 IUIs got pregnant with injectables with an <a href="">IUI</a> on 10/3. The first scan at 5 weeks showed 3 multiples but no heartbeats. I went in at about 7 w 5 d to get an US. Only one had a heart beat of 149 and the others were no longer viable. The OB suggested I come back in 2 weeks instead of 4 to do another scan. I just turned 38.

Should I be concerned she wanted me to come back early? She said I need to wait until the amnio at 16 weeks for me to fee confident about the pregnancy. That seems so far. I’m so stressed.

What makes matters more annoying is the week every freaking OB at her office is apparently on Thanksgiving break already! Arg!