Bassinet haters?

For the babies that hate the bassinet, has anyone successfully transitioned to the crib?

My baby will go in the bassinet early in the night, but every night around 4 am (sometimes earlier during growth spurt times), he just won’t sleep in there. He makes all sorts of noises. If I get him to sleep, he’s up again 10 min later. You’d think it’s because he’s not tired, but no. If I pick him up he’ll fall asleep on me. Most times I end up doing that and then I’ll be awake while he sleeps, but at least my husband gets some sleep. It’s awful.

I’m thinking of camping out in his room tonight and trying the crib (we have a pull out duds in his room bc it’s a combo of baby room/guest room). I’m at my wits’ end.

Edit- he makes noises in his sleep sometimes, but at 4am he is usually awake and noisy. Eventually it becomes crying.