Blankets, swaddles, sleep sack, or nothing?

Alexis • Married 💍 👦🏻👩🏻👧🏻👶🏻

My little girl just turned 4 weeks old and she moves sooo much in her sleep. Sometimes it wakes her up. We tried swaddling but she manages to get it off. We usually use a halo swaddle/sleep sack and it works good but since her feet aren’t wrapped tight she still kicks a lot and I think it affects her sleep. We have just put her with nothing but a sleeper on but she really didn’t like that. I have just used blankets also which she sometimes loves and other times seems to hate. ( I know it’s a bad idea but when desperate it’s hard and I usually only used them in the day during naps while I was awake to watch. We use an owlet sock and it’s amazing to calm my fears of SIDS.) Her sleep isn’t too bad but just sporadic. Some days she won’t nap at all hardly and others it seems she could sleep all day. The past couple nights she gotten a 5-6 hour stretch in while in her Halo swaddle/sleep sack but she still moves around like crazy the whole time and makes lots of sounds. Any tips? Or is this just how some babies are?

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Posted at
My girl kicks her legs when she’s uncomfortable (about to pass gas or a BM) - she grunts all night. I swaddle her but the legs are loose. What has helped is placing a rolled blanket burrito under her knees, to support her legs in a more natural curled up position. I make sure it’s rolled tightly so if can’t uncurl at night. She sleeps right next to me in a bassinet cosleeper so I can see her all night.


Alexis • Nov 21, 2019
I tried rolling a blanket under her legs and swaddling her her nap and so far so good! She’s only moved a couple times but it seems to of helped! I haven’t had to soothe her or anything.


Br • Nov 21, 2019
It should. We just got a sleep positioner that straps her in so she can’t roll, but it has a similar leg support. She just slept for 5 1/2 hours 🥳🥳🥳 I cant believe it. My girl grunts and kicks all night long. I even woke up to check on her because she was so quiet last night. Sleeping soundly! I’ll post a pic


Alexis • Nov 21, 2019
I might have to try that! She is always kicking her legs and lifting them. I bet that will help some! Thank you.


Posted at
I know they are expensive but I love them! I just bought another one today.... The Ollie Swaddle. My little one moves A TON as well. Loves to sleep with her hands near her face. This has Velcro so you can make it really tight. Can also keep it as they grow! I also have a halo swaddle and I prefer the Ollie over the halo.


Posted at
We started out swaddling with blankets until our Hulk baby started smashing out of them. We tried the Happiest Baby brand—hated it. We tried the Halo brand—hated it slightly less. We’ve had the most success with the Ollie brand but are having to work on our Velcro technique to keep him from wiggling out.


Amanda • Nov 22, 2019
We love our Ollie!! If we make sure to Velcro her in nice and tight (but not so tight that we can’t still get a hand under it on her chest) she hasn’t broken free! Ollie was a total game changer, wish I’d know about it with my first who was an awful sleeper.


Whitney • Nov 21, 2019
Not yet but I will!


Whitney • Nov 21, 2019
Right?! He has these super long arms that are apparently super strong 😬🤣


Posted at
I’m cracking up at the Hulk baby references bc we nicknamed our baby the Hulk when I was pregnant and he kicked SO hard (plus I’m a Marvel geek). And a friend gave me this onesie as a shower gift...


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Our 3 week old baby girl also is a wiggle worm. The minute she starts to move her legs/arms she wakes up. She does well when swaddled though. We’re not at the point yet where we can put her in her bassinet without being swaddled. We recently purchased the Ollie swaddle. It is realllly pricey, $65, 😳. The only thing is the leg part isn’t as tight as the upper body so sometimes her kicking can wake her up. So that might put you back at square one. Sometimes we’ve used 2 blankets with her to swaddle. Thin blankets tho to make sure she doesn’t get too hot, but also to make sure she’s nice and snug.


Posted at
Swaddled my girl and had her sleep on this for the first time last night, per recommendation of a few other moms on here (I usually have a blanket burrito under her legs to help with the kicking). She just slept 5 1/2 hours in one stretch 🙀


Jessica • Nov 22, 2019
I have one and I love it! My son sleeps longer now and it keeps him on his back. I use a halo sleep sack with a onesie on underneath as well.


Elizabeth • Nov 21, 2019
I have seen them from a few companies. I was just curious about how it looked and worked in real life. I’ll look for sure.


Br • Nov 21, 2019
I got this one because it has the anti roll strap, but the head rest area bumpers are really shallow, and the end bumper near the legs is removable too if your baby doesn’t like it. I was really hesitant too due to sids but so are swaddles after a certain point. So I’ll just make sure to transition her from this as soon as she begins rolling over. I’ll take a pic of her in it, but if you look on amazon for “sleep positioner baby” you’ll find this one and people posted pics of their baby in them


Posted at
My newborn was like that too. We used the swaddleme zip up pods and they worked great. He wasn’t able to get out of it and it helped him sleep a lot better at a month old.


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My son actually prefers the halo sleep sack because his feet are loose 😂 He hates them swaddleme sleep sacks because it pulls his legs up. Before he started busting out of them, I just used blankets to swaddle. Now I don’t swaddle him at all if he’s sleeping alone because he’s rolling 😭😭😭


Posted at
My son is the same but it getting better, we swaddle but leave hes arms/hands free (so basically swaddle from the armpit down) then when in hes bassinet (placed on hes back) we put a blanket over him from hes waist down.We learned that he hates hes arms and hands restricted and is much happier when they are free, also he likes the added weight of the blanket on hes bottom half... works for us..Also super scared of SIDS, we use the angel care movement monitor it beeps all night aslong as he is breathing & moving, we also use the sleep positioner which keeps him on hes back but does allow hes head to move side to sideGood luck mama xx


Ki • Nov 21, 2019
The brand is called snuggletime


Alexis • Nov 21, 2019
Just curious what sleep positioner do you use?


Posted at
Both of mine love the Aden and anias East swaddle sack. It snaps so virtually impossible to break out of. The feet area is roomy so if she wanted to move her little legs she definitely can