Second date help and how to kiss?

Okay so I somehow got a second date w this guy😂. I had never been on a date before and I at least think the first date went well?😬 idk.

The point of this post is if you guys have any tips for second dates and also, on the first date we left it off with a hug and no kiss.

I’m assuming he’ll try to kiss me this time though and I’ve never kissed anyone and I’m 18 so it’ll be even more embarrassing if it’s bad. Oh and I’m awkward as all hell and kinda shy.


First date I was wayy to nervous. Just got dinner, then went to a mall all day then is football game lol. I was super tired at the end cuz it was midnight and I’m in bed at like 8 so I wasn’t talking much and the entire night I’d say he definitely made more convo than I did. I felt bad but I’m just shy asf.

Anyway I can’t tell if he actually likes me or if he’s thinking that he would ask me on a second date to make convo or like.. see if I would open up more.

Either way I’m actually excited for this date cuz we are bowling so hopefully I’ll be more relaxed. The only thing that’s stressing me out is this kiss thing. I had so much anxiety I couldn’t eat and I felt nauseous the entire time and today I’m still feeling the effects of last night (the first date) and am still a bit nervous for later. Help me please