Possible pregnancy symptoms and when to test


This Saturday will mark two weeks since hubby and I's mishap. I thought I would share my "symptoms" with you all haha! I've been experiencing cramps and lower back pain on and off literally ever since the day after we dtd! It's most likely just a coincidence, and my body is trying to figure out my cycle since I just got off the mini pill on the 4th, but ya never know!

The cramps have been really low and centered for the most part with a full/pressure feeling, along with bloating, and that's how it was before I got my BFP last year, so that's been a bit concerning. My boobs have been pretty sore too, but I specifically remember my boobs not being sore before I got my bfp. They just seemed bigger, but my boobs always get sore before my period, so that's how I knew I was pregnant in the tww. Well, it was one of the ways anyway.

I haven't had a period since before I got pregnant in September 2018(EBF), and I haven't bled at all since about 3 weeks PP from the lochia. Oh! And out of nowhere today, I started craving a Krispy Kreme glazed donut soooo bad! 😂 I know it doesn't really mean anything, but I thought it was a bit strange that I started craving a donut all of a sudden, especially since I haven't even had one in years!

Also, cracking that double yolked egg a couple days after hubby and I's mishap was a super weird and crazy coincidence! That's never happened to me before! Also, I've been experiencing heartburn and nausea for the past couple days. So there you have it! That's all my symptoms lol!

I want to test Saturday, but is two weeks long enough to wait to test if I don't know if/when I ovulated? What if I ovulated 2 or even 4 days after we dtd? I just want to make sure I get an accurate reading, so I'll know for sure if I'm pregnant or not. Should I wait a few more days or even another week just to be safe? What would you ladies do?