
I had my “6w 5day” appointment but I already knew it was going to be bad news because of my betas! I’m glad I was prepared, I didn’t even cry 😳 I just knew!

First 1 was 51

Second 98

Third 258

.. anyways it’s like my dr already knew cause as soon as she took me in (she hadn’t done an ultrasound yet) she basically told me it was most likely an Abnormal embryo (mine weren’t PGS tested because she didn’t recommend it and now I REGRET not doing it!) and well once we did the US we saw a sac but no heart beat and I was behind 1 week 5w 5d so she wants me to go back next week to see if there is a heart beat and if not do a D&C that day which I know I will most likely be doing! Has anyone gone through that? How’s the post op?

Also, any tips for next transfer after an abnormal embryo? She said she wants to put two in next time, and she wanted to test the “embryo” inside of me right now once D&c is done to make sure the embryo is abnormal and not”me” ... she was also happy that I was very fertile , responding well to my meds and getting pregnant.

I guess you can say I’m stuck in the middle because I kinda want to send out my 8 embryos that are left to test before we do another transfer.... (but I’m scared some won’t make it since frozen) or just transfer 2 embryos and then do testing on what’s left after that!?😫. ***So confusing and exhausting***

Sorry for this long post, but man.. we are some tough cookies going through this infertility journey💪🏼 props to us!!!

On to another transfer hopefully by January!!