Wanting to buy a house and don’t know where to start 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anna 🥀🌙 • {24}SAHW 💍❤️ TTC our Rainbow 🌈👼🏻✨ PCOS 💙

I really wanna buy a house. Currently me and my boyfriend of almost 4 years live with his parents to help them out with bills but it’s become more a pain living with them, and honestly they are the only ones who benefit cause we pay for literally everything it’s like we support 2 grown children and I’m honestly over it and so is my boyfriend. Where we live rent prices are sky high. New apartments were built two streets over from us and they are $1600 a month, which is literally double the majority of mortgage rates in my area it’s ridiculous. We both have reliable and stable jobs I bring in roughly 17,000 a year and him 29,000 a year and that’s not including his $10 an hour handyman job at the local Inn they call him on weekends and evenings to fix stuff if needed. Both of us have low credit scores so we are definitely gonna have to get that fixed. His is 508 mine is 478. I’m the one with the closed old credit card bill and I have a 1,500 bill from Comcast for early cut off even tho I returned the equipment. His is all old medical bills , I have medical bills as well. I’m planing on paying Lexington Law to dispute everything and hopefully bring our credit up. If you have any suggestions of company’s who you pay to fix there credit please let me know in the comments 🙌 I also plan to open a credit card or two specifically for bills no shopping sprees that’s what got me in this mess in the first place I was 18 and got my first credit card right before Christmas 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I want to open a savings account and start putting 10% of every paycheck that I receive in it. I don’t really know what else to do , I’m so new to all this and I’ve talked to my dad and he isn’t really much help as he lost my childhood home and filed bankruptcy, he’s not really a good credit role model neither is my in laws. I just really need some advice from people who have been in my spot and are now owning there own home .

Edit: I’m just gonna add this in so it doesn’t get commented 10 billon times 😂

Yes , I know it takes 6+ months to build credit hence why I need to start now. Also renting isn’t an option there’s nothing less than $1000 in my town especially since I have a dog, literally nowhere for rent allows pets around here. I’ve talked to 3 different realty companies in my town that have rentals and houses for sale and they told me that I’m gonna have to buy a house if I wanna live somewhere and have my pets. The town I live in is called Clewiston,Florida I figured I should add that in cause each state is different.