I’m so pissed! *LONG RANT*

My boyfriend and I got in a fight this morning before he left to work over going to dinner tonight with his brother. So a little backstory. He has two brothers. One of them arrives here in town today for the night before they all leave out of town together for thanksgiving tomorrow. His other brother lives in the same town as us so we see him all the time. My boyfriend and I aren’t able to go out of town with them due to having to work. We never get to see his older brother that flew in this morning because he lives in a different state and is always traveling. So we had plans to go to dinner tonight us and his two brothers and Their SO’s. All last week I tried so hard budgeting our money for this week because we had so much to do this week. Go to dinner tonight, get groceries for our own thanksgiving, & do a little something for our anniversary this weekend. And also gas and a couple little other things. Well last weekend my boyfriend is insistent we go out on Friday. I tell him over and over I don’t want to because we need to have money for this week. But still he keeps pestering that his brother invited us out and he wants to go. I say no we’re not going tell your brother we have other plans. “Starts pouting” So he lies & tells his brother we have plans to go to the city so we can’t meet up with him at this stupid game bar, his brother is like oh we don’t have to go to the game bar we will just come along too with you guys to the city 😑, so my bfs lie backfired and we all ended up having to go out so it didn’t seem like he was lying. It’s so fucking annoying how my bf can’t just tell his fuckin brother no!! Like just plain and simple no he’s always having to go through with plans with him even if we don’t have the money just because he can’t tell him no! Anyways we go and end up spending a lot of money. Now this brings me to why I don’t wanna go to dinner tonight. EVERYTIME we go out to eat with his brother that lives in the same town with us he always orders a bunch of food and than we have to split the whole fuckin bill drinks included and sometimes we won’t even drink it’s all his brothers drinks so the tab ends up being a lot. So when we went to the city together we go to get food and his brother orders hella fuckin shit and the bill comes out to over $100 and we have to split it all. Even though all My bf and I ordered was one plate and two drinks. His brother never even asks he just starts ordering shit it’s so fucking annoying, this always happens!!!! I’ve told my bf before that this bothers me that why can’t we just all order our own separate plates and that if we go out again if my bf can just speak up and say for everyone to just order their own food. Well he NEVER does! We will go out to eat Chinese food, pizza, anything and same thing ALWAYS happens him and his gf order for everyone and we all end up having to split the bill. It annoys me because the bill will come out to so much I would just rather order my own little plate and pay for that but everyfuckin time his brother just overdoes it with the ordering and nobody says anything. So tonight we’re suppose to go to pizza but I already know how that’ll turn out. Last time his brother ordered hella pizzas salads wings drinks and the bill came out to over $200 and we had to split it! So I mentioned to my bf if we go tonight to please speak up and tell everyone we can half ONE big ass pizza and everyone pay their own drinks and he gets irritated with me. I’m like why are you getting mad it’s not unreasonable for me to ask this and than we got into an argument over it. I ended up going in on him telling him that I told him this would happen last week that we had shit to do this week and we needed to save our money that way tonight we could afford to get whatever we wanted but he fucking insisted on going out and now look it’s dinner day and we don’t have a lot of money to be spending! So he’s like fine forget it we won’t go! I feel bad because I want him to see his brother and I wanna see his brother too alll he has to do is speak the fuck up and say something but he’s acting like it’s a big deal to do that so fine we won’t go and we will save money. Like am i suppose to go broke and not be able to get groceries for our first thanksgiving just so we can spend all our money on a dinner? No thank you. I feel like this situation happens way to much and I always end up giving in and going along with spending a bunch of money and I’m just not going to fuckin do it anymore! He’s telling me I’m over thinking it and making a big deal out of it which frustrates me because I wish he could see it is a big deal that I can’t even be excited to go out for a little dinner tonight because of how his brother always ruins it and he won’t say shit. I’m frustrated that he makes me the problem and doesn’t see that him and his brother are the issue . Ivetold him a lot lately we need to start watching our money but I’m starting to feel like he’s not taking me seriously! We wouldn’t have had to deal with this silly argument if he would’ve just listened to me last week or if he would just speak up when we go out. So what do you think ladies? Should I suck it up and go so he can see his brother? Or continue to put my foot down. Thanks for reading if you got this far with my rant. ❤️