Kinda Scared 😔

Jane 💗 Baby Girl Due April 2020

So I was wondering if anyone had gone through the same thing I went through for their anatomy scan. I was scheduled at 18 weeks for my Anatomy Level 2 Scan. Which is very early in my opinion considering I’ve had this Dr. for 7 years and she delivered both of my previous babies and with both of theirs she didn’t do it until 20+ Anyways so when they did the scan they were able to check everything which was normal which I’m so happy about. But they couldn’t really get much of the heart scans that they wanted to get. So I have to come back in 1 month. They did say it’s nothing to worry about that it’s just too early. I should also add that my NIPT bloodwork test all came back negative and my Spinal Bifida also came back negative which is great. But I guess because they were unable to get the pictures necessary is what worries me. Has this happened to anyone? And if so, was everything okay?