Why did you have children, Dad?

Cynthia • 23. Childfree. Sterilized.

Over the years my parents have slowly been losing their shit. They’re not old. My mom is 49 and my dad is 50. But their mental health is fucking horrible, in more recent years my dad worst than my mother. They have passed down those lovely traits to me as well. I have major anxiety and PTSD (both diagnosed). Well overly the last year or so my dad has really been going down hill mentally. Frequent emotional outbursts, extreme irritability, quick to get anger, lack of empathy, little sympathy. My grandma died a few years ago and honestly he hasn’t be right since then.

Look, I’m not saying I’m perfect. But I do respect my parents. I go to work, stay out of trouble, just recently got my college degree, I’m at home majority of the time when I’m not at work. I’m pretty basic. But I definitely didn’t not deserve to be called a miserable bitch. My mom asked if i wanted money for a Lyft tomorrow to a doctors appointment since my dad was throwing a tantrum about taking me (he doesn’t work either except for substituting for teachers once

Or twice a weeks). I just recently got a new job and was out of work due to surgery so I’m a bit on the broke side. She offered 20$ but I said 10$ okay. She said she’ll ask my dad to zelle it since she didn’t know how.

Next thing I know he’s screaming. He got so offended that I did not personally ask him. My mom defended me and said that I didn’t ask her to ask him, that she offered me the money. He proceeded to call my mom and I miserable bitches. And that I hate him... I am so hurt. No matter how angry my parents makes me I would never say I hate any one of them... he said to not speak to him anymore and that I could leave the house.. he then said he hopes he as a heart attack so I could learn a lesson and than have that weighing over my shoulders (my appointment is for high blood pressure so all he’s been talking about is me having heart attacks.) About two weeks ago he bust down my locked door after I was crying in my room from him calling me a bitch... he also slams things too.

Now my mom used to call me a bitch all the time and emotionally abuse me most of my life. I can handle it from her. But not my dad... my dad always saves me from my mom’s shit. He’s no longer the same person I knew. I feel sadness, stress, and when he’s going off: fear. I currently can not move out, I have no financial means and neither does my boyfriend. My mom came in my room to hug me after and slipped me 20$ bill to help me out. I wish I wasn’t trapped in this house. I can’t escape. I can’t recover emotionally from that. If you read this, thanks. I just needed to vent. My boyfriend is at work and my friends are 1100 miles away. It’s very hard right now. Excuse the typos too I can’t really think.

They shouldn’t have had children