MIL Attack

So today my mother in law and I had lunch. Our relationship has been rocky in the past- she has just one son (my husband) and can be well ummm... very judgey.

She likes to play victim and act like I’m the one who ‘picks on’ her but that’s ludicrous all I’ve wanted was a normal relationship with her. So today she tells me the realtor we hired to sell our first home (her referral) had a big crush on my husband. I’m not sure why she feels the need to tell me this EIGHT years later but she does. It kinda bothered me a little because we only hired this realtor because she asked us to. I had already interviewed someone else but went with her referral.

This realtor has been on my Facebook since we sold our home in 2011. My MIL then tells me that this realtor talks mad crap on me posting cute photos of my daughter. I had really bad PPD and when I came out of it I was so grateful and shared many special memories on my wall like almost all moms do this day and age. I was definitely mad this chic would judge me especially after what I went through with PPD. I mainly post on special occasions only (birthdays, Easter, Halloween etc) or if we go somewhere on vacay- normal stuff!

So I’m just sitting there wondering why she is telling me all this now (my daughter is 2 1/2). I would have defriended this girl TWO years ago or more! I just don’t feel like I can trust my MIL at this point, or if she is the one with this level of hatred for me and is transferring it onto this realtor chic. Anyways I just think it’s awful ppl try to kill joy. I work full-time and go to grad school I feel like I should be allowed to post pics of me and my daughter without scrutiny from anyone.