Development worries

Jo • 1 Ectopic 2 early losses, now mommy to the beautiful E 🧡🧡🧡💗

My sane adult brain knows that babies develop skills at different times - I do development checks as part of my job 🤦🏻‍♀️. My 1st time Mom brain is worried there’s something wrong. My girl is 19 weeks and doesn’t seem interested in rolling at all. She has good head control and will sit with support. She’s seems much more interested in fine motor as she will spend ages taking her dummy out pass it from hand to hand and try and put it back in. I know passing from hand to hand is quite a skill at 4 months. I’m I right to worry. I’m in the Uk so no paediatrician to ask plus I could ask at well baby clinic but that’s the job I do so know the answer just can’t seem to take my own advice lol