Morning sickness


Ladies I’m going CRAZY with this nausea. It’s been 2 weeks of daily, constant nausea and I’m only 6w2d today.

It starts as soon as I get out of bed in the morning and start moving around. I’ve tried saltines first thing, but I end up dry heaving from them. I can usually sip a smoothie but I can’t make it right away because the blender wakes my son.

I need something I can try to consume before even getting out of bed, I’m just at a loss 😭 I have a sensitive stomach and don’t handle nausea well- this didn’t happen to me when I was pregnant with my now toddler! I take care of two 1.5 year olds all day so I’m unable to sit down much during the day.

Any advice would be amazing! 🤞🏻🙏🏻